Summer is here and we’re all exhausted from a busy winter. Or at least, busier than during the previous two years. Under COVID’s reign, business was dormant. Social activity was dormant too. That meant the artists suffered, along with their art.
This scholastic year has seen much improvement. Student numbers have gone up and we have managed to keep busy. We have struggled with some supplies, but we have somehow managed.
Our suppliers have had a similar problem with supplies of their materials. Shipments have been late. Yet we made it to the end of the year. Some of the students in our client schools have just had – or are about to have – their summer assessments.
We have a number of lovely leotards that you may want to purchase for summer school. Grooming is an important part of dance. What better way to treat yourself for all your hard work?
If you’re looking for good prices, dive into our bargains corner to find out more. Alternatively, check out our well-priced dancewear in the other sections of our shop!